Oh hey,

I’m Kym & I’m so glad you’re here…

I’m a full time wedding photographer turned aspiring author.

I’m currently working on my debut novel and sharing my journey on TikTok.

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About Me

I’ve been writing since I was a kid and escaping into stories has always been second nature to me. I spent my days devouring books and hoping one day to tell stories of my own.

I wrote my first novel that never saw the light of day at age 16. I got my BFA in theatre arts and an AA in creative writing & poetry at age 25. And at 30 years old I’ve decided to chase a dream that I never thought I would accomplish: to put my writing out into the world.

As a self proclaimed hopeless romantic, I’ve always been obsessed with love. I became a wedding photographer to tell the love stories of others.

I’ve tried fantasy, non-fiction, poetry, and countless other genres, but surprisingly enough, this is my first contemporary romance attempt, which is maybe why I’ve felt so at home with this current project.

There are still a lot of unknowns in this process for me, but I hope you’ll follow me along for the ride.

Much love,


My Current Project:

Olivia Turner has her dream life. Almost. She’s the director for the largest theatre company in San Francisco, has a boyfriend who wants to marry her, and is praised among her colleagues and peers. Sure, she hasn’t written a damn thing in years, she isn’t sure if she wants to marry her boyfriend, and she never did make it to Broadway like she dreamed; but why would she risk what she’s worked so hard to get?

However, when her former professor and mentor calls in a favor and asks her to teach at her Alma Mater for a new summer arts program, Liv agrees to spend the summer back in her college town, living in a dorm and directing their main stage production.

When she arrives, not only does she find out that the fate of the school is on the line, but that she’ll be working alongside her old friend and flame, Andy.

Andy Stevenson is the musical director at UCOV. He loves his job and his students and doesn’t want to see all of that slip away due to budget cuts. But he had no idea when he agreed to give up his summer that Olivia would not only be back in his town, but be working closely alongside him.

Haunted by a kiss that ruined their friendship ten years ago, he often wonders what would have happened if he had never let her go so easily, and he’s not going to make that mistake again. He’ll do anything to keep her this time, including convincing her to write a musical together and check off items on a scandalous bucket list.

As Liv and Andy work together to save the school, and try to keep things strictly friendly, despite their attraction, they discover new ways to reconnect with the younger versions of themselves and what they’ve always wanted but were too scared to go after.

But now Olivia and Andy are grown up and have to make a choice: Stay safe within the lives they have made for themselves, or follow the dreams they forgot they shared.

Off Book is a steamy summer showmance about second chances and what it means to follow your dreams.

